Vidya Sury
Vidya Sury retired from her corporate job at 33 to prioritize her family. She created her blog to share snippets of her life, thoughts, and advocacies. Today, she writes about a variety of topics, from parenting, health, book reviews, to responsible living. Although this passionate mother might seem like she easily juggles her work and family life, Vidya does not shy away from talking about both her struggles and accomplishments as a woman and as a parent.
Farah from Bubbly Notes blogs about a wide range of topics, from parenting, beauty, fashion, health, food, technology, to travel. As her blog title implies, Farah writes with an open and cheerful tone to provide a unique parenting perspective and give hope to the countless mothers who are still in the trenches of motherhood. Readers should definitely not miss out on her useful parenting tips, which are impressively backed by comprehensive research.
A truly useful blog by a mother who knows what raising children involves, oureverydaythings.com is where the owner Leonny shares her wisdom with readers so that they can raise their children in the best ways possible. She does so via contents like Marriage: Conflicts are Normal and Being the Middle Child is Not Easy, which deal with serious issues that parents cope with on a regular basis. Knowing what parts of daily life to focus on can help mothers everywhere get a better handle on providing their kids with the care that they need.
Mothers often have dreams and aspirations before they have children and the same goes for Summer, the owner of ahappymum.com. When reading through the website, you can learn to cope with the life of a mother and find absolute joy in caring for your children. Thanks to the site’s contents such as “Happiness is... learning to dance in the rain” and “Mealtimes are for family bonding,” you really get a sense for what’s truly important in raising a family. By reading through them, you’ll be more equipped to know what your priority should be.
At bringinguptheparks.com, the site’s owner Jackie shares her stories and experiences in raising three children alongside her husband. The site offers some truly incredible moments of inspiration that parents everywhere can learn from. The website also features the prospect of raising multicultural children, as well, which is prominent in contents like “China’s First International Children’s Music Festival is Bringing More Than Just Music” and “Putting Your Kid in a Chinese Kindergarten? Read this First.”
There are those who are of the mistaken opinion that business, beauty, and babies don’t mix, especially not in a blog. Well, to prove them wrong, here’s the blog, Mommy Ginger. Perfectly combining all those three in a blog with a fantastic layout, Mommy Ginger is any mommy’s best friend, whether it’s about raising kids, or staying beautiful, or even both.
Read what motherinc.org has to say about being a mother so that you can be equipped with the knowledge and the tools that you might be looking for to do it in the way that you might actually want. It is where the site’s owner Daphne provides readers with a window into her life as she raises 5 kids. Follow her adventures as she documents, comments, and narrates her time as she copes with her experiences. There’s certainly plenty to learn from visiting this resource and the pictures are always so adorable.
The site mummumstheword.wordpress.com is where the owner Emily talks about all of the things about being a woman and being a mother that are important to her. It’s an incredible resource that focuses on family, spirituality, and great stories to tell. You need only read through her impressive library of contents to understand that, which include “Caleb is 7 and I am the right mummy for him!” and “100 PRAYERS FOR MUMS TO PRAY – Our Daily Bread for Mother’s Day!”
The site of a mother with three kids, mamamiethots.com by the author Amie is a good place to start if you are looking for a website that provides you with excellent information on subjects related to parenting. You’ll be sure to get some truly helpful ideas thanks to her various contents. Among them are “Gaston Luga - A Versatile Backpack for Every Mom” and “Cognitive Whizz x BrainFit: Science Escapade December 2017 Camp” to name a few.
A sweet and sincere blog about a mother who is trying to teach her children to love the Japanese language and culture, hiraganamama.wordpress.com is where parents can draw inspiration if ever they are struggling with the same issue of identity. There are always neat contents featured on the site, including “Learning Kanji With Poop– yes, really” and ““Once Upon a World” : Fairy Tales Reimagined!”
As June, the owner of the website mamawearpapashirt.com says on her website, being a mother can be incredibly stressful and messy. Fortunately, there are always things you can do in order to mitigate the kind of frustrating environment that mothers can often face. The site covers many of these options, including heartwarming posts such as “Letter to my son: You’ll find your place in life” that mothers everywhere can draw inspiration from. There are also sensible topics like “Kids need real dollars and cents to learn money sense – don’t digitize their pocket monies.”
A beautiful website where the owner, Ai Sakura talks about her experiences as a wife and mother, sakuraharuka.com is one of those resources that goes the extra mile in providing you with the utmost in useful information. She talks about her essential topics with regards to raising children with contents like “10 Things to Tell Your Kids” and she also discusses her own hopes and aspirations. It’s a neat blog that provides mothers everywhere not only with tips that they can make use of but inspiration to also hope for something more.