When it comes to having the capacity to cheer you up when you’re having a really bad day, there’s probably no one else that does it better than your animal companion. Better than humans you have the tendency to judge you before comforting you, these animal companions will come to you and embrace you whatever your situation may be, and whatever may be the cause of your sadness. Truly, the love of these pets come unconditionally.
Thus, what would make your day even better is if you get to read any of these wonderful pet blogs. Needless to say, when you read these blogs, you will surely find that your day just gets a lot brighter than before, giving you just one more good reason to believe that no matter how bleak life may get, you will always have a cause to smile and to look forward with hope. Go ahead and begin reading these pet blogs; no one’s stopping you.
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What exactly is a dog-wagging view of the world? Well, perhaps, as the view that the Wag the Dog UK blog takes, it probably means learning to see things from your dog’s perspective. This means learning to understand what your wants, hates, and why your dog is madly in love with you, as well as how to reciprocate that love. Wag the Dog UK is, in more ways than one, one very helpful dog blog.
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Horses are such divine creatures. At one moment, you’re marvelling at how majestic it looks, with its height and its mane. The next moment, you’re riding on its back and it’s acting with a gentleness you could never have imagined, ready to cooperate with you. On this blog, A Gift Horse, you get a personal account of an equestrian’s life, and, ultimately, how life is made infinitely more wonderful because of the opportunity to live it with a horse.
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Alfie’s Blog is about a mountain dog, Alfie, and all of his wonderful (mis)-adventures. The blog is truly hilarious and heartwarming at the same time, giving you a large window from which to view the wonderful life that Alfie has with his owner. With some entries that begin with “Roo, it’s Aflie here behind the keyboard…”, it’s impossible to not be entertained and have a happy and full hear, at the same tim
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One thing that can be kind of stressful when you’re a pet owner is the need to be able to provide only the best kind of care for your animal companion. Before you cry your heart out and lose hope at getting good bargains, here’s the perfect blog for you: Beagles and Bargains. Complete with tips at how to save while giving care for your pet, it’s the best resource there is for pet owners who don’t want to compromise with quality, without risking their budget.
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Having a dog as an animal companion is a great reason to always be at your best. To always be at your best, this basically means you have to have a grasp of the basics (and the more complex realities) of dog care. To get a good resource, though, check out Cascade Pet Blog. From agility courses down to traveling with pets, you can be sure that you’ll be getting whatever you need to know.
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There are some people who are always at a loss when it comes to birds. For them, birds are creatures meant only to be watched, always at a distance. If you do want to learn more about these birds, you will find that the most interesting information you can get is from Laura’s Birding Blog. This blog will surely amaze you, not only with its facts, but more importantly with its experiential content.
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One thing that pet owners need, sometimes more than anything, is a firm and strong sense of community. There is perhaps almost nothing better and more capable of giving pet owners the assurance that they need than a blog that fully covers all their concerns, both general and specific. That’s exactly the principle that governs BlogPaws, which is basically an online community of pet owners who can each contribute helpful blogs.
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Traveling with your pet can be quite a challenge. This is true especially for people whose dogs are presently unable to handle the movement and the mobility. To make it more manageable for both you and your dog, the blog Bodie on the Road is highly recommended. It’s basically a blog where dog mom Belinda recounts her traveling experiences with Bodie, her dog.
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Sometimes, the best remedy for people who are dealing with a lot of stress is one look at an adorable dog. If you happen to be one of those people who are having stressful days, then one of the ideas you can start putting into action is reading the BZ Dogs blog. It’s downright funny, primarily because you see photos Henry the dog doing a lot of poses, as well as some stories of Henry where he gains a new friend. Really, if you’re having a bad day, check this blog out and you’ll start to feel better.
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Contrary to popular belief, dogs and cats do not have to absolute enemies. At the same time, you don’t have to read about them in separate blogs. The best proof for this is the Canidae blog, where you can prepare yourself for a very fun-filled read, while simultaneously also getting amused by the blog photos that are posted. With valuable tips on how to take care of your furry (or not so furry) companions, Canidae is truly an enjoyable blog.
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The common opinion is that you will need to look through various blogs if you’re dealing with various animals as pets or companions. However, let the Carma Poodale convince you that such is a mistaken opinion. This blog wonderfully puts together articles about multiple species, giving all animal lovers a home in the virtual world, where they can find the necessary input on how they can show love to animals of every kind.
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If life and your bosses are currently giving you a rough time, stop trying to control everything and give yourself that much needed break. How, you might ask. It’s actually very simple. Sit back and read the blog, Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund. Full of articles that detail Crusoe’s latest adventure, it’s hard to keep a bad mood when you’re reading all about Crusoe’s exciting, colorful life.
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Champion of My Heart, as a blog, does not just have a great title to be proud of. To add more depth to its already poignant title is a blog full of articles that tell, in full detail, the story of a pet owner’s life with her dog, Clover. There are a lot of insights that you can gain from the blog, beginning with tips for training as well as important points to remember when it comes to veterinary medicine. Truly, a must-read for all dog lovers and owners out there.
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One of the best things that would make a blog worth reading is if it were personal enough to tell you a heartwarming story coming from personal experience, and at the same time if it managed to be helpful enough as to provide clear and informative tips for how you can take care of your own pets. Such is the perfect mix that The Chronicles of Cardigan never fails to pull off. Without a doubt, it isn’t surprising why it’s among the best pet blogs today.
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While starting out as a blog intending to tell her stories about being new in the world of having and loving dogs, Come Wag Along has expanded to cover more topics, along with the expansion of the blog writer’s own life. Today, Come Wag Along includes stories of author Kia as a mother and her adventures with her family. Of course, the blog still contains totally helpful and insightful articles about taking care of your pets, so you’re essentially getting the full package when reading.
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Some people seem to be of the opinion that ‘pets’ can only mean either cats or dogs. Of course, people who really love animals will very easily point out why this opinion is wrong on so many levels. One great way to show how it’s wrong, though, is to simply let them read the Crayons and Collars blog. By reading this blog, you’ll certainly discover that there’s a whole world of animals waiting for your love and care, and all of them are truly worth it.
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This blog was created is about book and product reviews that have to do with cats. To celebrate the memory of the blogger’s cat, Bobo, the author shares with her readers ample information such as raising awareness about being pet prepared when disaster comes. She also promotes animal rescue and animal adoption.
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Dentler’s Dog Training is a blog that mainly deals with a lot of stories for dog training. With accounts of dogs finally learning how to really live and function to their best abilities, it’s hard not to fall in love with this blog. Using only positive reinforcement techniques, Dentler’s Dog Training is a surefire way to help your dog achieve a better, and more memorable life with you.
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Sometimes, the best intentions of pet owners can end up failing, especially if they are not well informed in terms of what is best for their dog’s diet. While it’s important to provide good exercise for your dog and to have time for play, it is perhaps even more important to make sure that your dog eats right. To help you along those lines, check out the Dog Food Insider blog. There are countless articles about dog food and diet from every possible angle, all intending to assist you to be the best dog owner you can be.
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If you’re looking for the perfect resource on how to become the best dog mom ever, look no further. You will find it in Dog Mom Days. Included in the blog are numerous articles that deal with the most common dog concerns such as possible doggie treats, as well as more complex concerns such as budget-friendly methods of enjoying moments with your dog. Read the blog, and watch yourself slowly transforming into the best dog mom in the world (at least in your dog’s opinion, which is the only opinion that matters).
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Some blogs about pets talk about things that are rightly serious; with these blogs, you realize that you can’t just disregard your pets and you need to treat them kindly and with a lot of care. As you come upon the Dog Shaming blog, however, you get to have space for a little fun with your dog, especially as you look at the pictures posted on this blog. Mainly pictures that show dogs being ashamed of themselves for mistakes they made, it’s a really fun-filled reading journey.
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Sometimes, taking care of dogs can take its toll on you, especially when you seem to be unable to address exactly what your dog’s concerns are. In order for you to be helped, though, you can certainly look through Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them. With all the input you can get from this blog, you will really learn more about how you can take care of your dog more properly. Truly, when you know how to love dogs, they will love you back.
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Dog training is perhaps one good decision that you can make for you and your dog. While it will require you to invest in materials and in learning some training yourself, you can be assured that the benefits will far outweigh the costs. If you’re still not convinced, though, you should check out the Dog Training Blogger blog. Without a shred of doubt, each article will bring you closer to that resolve to socialize and train your dog.
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The official blog for Jones Natural Chews, this blog is not your ordinary pet blog. Each of the articles on the blog is, first of all, informative. When it comes to the diet that your dog should have, or how you can possibly help your dog become a better version of itself, it’s all there on this blog. Apart from being informative, it’s also a blog that shows empathy, helping you to help you dog the way it wants to be helped, or needs to be helped.
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Most website visitors look for blogs that clearly show their areas of focus. When it comes to pet blogs, the same value is also expected. Good thing, though, there’s the Dog Trotting blog. Dog Trotting focuses on three main areas – product reviews, travel inspiration, and dog-friendly hotels. The reviews will help you to evaluate the products you try with your dog, the articles on travel help you to see where you can go for your next adventure, and the dog-friendly hotels will give you a list of which places will gladly receive you and your best friend.
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There are times when your days can be so stressful, and it might be difficult to get past the stress and the bigger demand to face it all. If you’re looking for help in lightening your load, though, check out the blog, Dolly the Doxie. Sharing the stories of Dolly the dachshund’s colorful life, there’s very little reason for you to keep feeling low and sad. Read the blog if you need strong proof that life is beautiful – that’s Dolly for you.
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Wondering how best to train your dogs? Caught squarely in between positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement? At a loss as to which materials are best to use for training? Do not despair, Eileen and Dogs is here. Each article on the blog will help you to figure out exactly what sort of care your dog requires, beyond what you think.
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Here’s a blog that has clarified its niche for itself and does it quite well, actually. Endless Mountain Labradors specifically deals with matters that pertain to Labradors in particular, identifying issues such as shaving off your lab’s coat, how to keep your puppy’s sweet breath, and many other matters. Truly, your best resource for Labradors.
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There’s an ongoing debate about how to best train your dogs, and the sides are usually caught up in choosing between positive reinforcement, which means the giving of rewards, and negative reinforcement, which means instilling punishments. Upon reading the Fanny Gott blog, however, you will be met with countless reasons as to why positive reinforcement is still the best way to go.
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To take care of dogs properly, you just can’t simply imagine a world where you and your dog are happy and contented, while shrugging off your responsibilities as a dog parent in the real world. What you need are cold, hard facts about dog care, to complement that surge of emotions and love that you feel for your dog. A blog that perfectly combines the facts with love is Fidose of Reality. Here you find all the information you might need, coupled with the strong love you’ve always felt.
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Often misunderstood as big, scary, and dangerous, German Shepherds suffer the fate of being avoided or not really know for how sweet and caring they can actually be. Good thing, though, that there is a blog such as German Shepherds, which effectively helps dispel the wrong impressions people might have about them. Complete with tips on how to take care of this delightful breed, you will have a hard time peeling your eyes and your heart off the screen while reading.
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Among other things, one thing that all pet parents need is the assurance that they’re doing things right, and that they’re not messing up. Additionally, pet parents need a sense of a solid support, or a community that has their back. In more ways than one, that’s exactly what you get from the Good Pet Parent blog. Always ready to lend a hand or a word of advice, this is truly a great resource for anyone who takes pet parenting seriously.
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It would surely be unimaginably stressful if you had a blog for every single concern you had about your pet. Here’s a piece of wonderful news, though. Heads Up for Tails is a blog that conveniently puts together all of your pet concerns in one place. From food, to illness, down to how you are to handle dressing up your pet for your wedding – it’s all there.
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One great way to begin the day with more positivity and fewer reasons to be sad is to just get online and read pet blogs, especially Heart Like a Dog. The articles on the blog are powerfully written with a very intimate, personal voice, recounting stories and encounters with her dog that would make any reader’s heart melt. Without a doubt, this is a very engaging and inspiring blog.
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If there is anything that might serve to confuse dog mothers and dog fathers, it may simply be the high number of dog products and brands all over the market. Each product makes the same promise as all the others, and so you have the perennial question: whom to trust? Here’s some good news for you: Her Dog Blog. The blog features articles that have honest and trustworthy reviews of dog products, so you no longer have to look anywhere else.
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While having a dog for a companion and best friend is a most exciting thing, you cannot discount the fact that it contains and entails its own set of tasks and responsibilities. To help you in fulfilling all of them with your best, check out the Here Pup blog. Not only is it a blog with a wonderful design and layout – the content is even better, helping you become the best dog parent you can be.
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Health, stories, lifestyle, and behavior. These four are probably the main aspects of your dog’s life that you certainly need to be paying attention to. It is not accidental, therefore, that these four topics or areas are also the same areas that the iHeart Dogs blog specifies as the content of the blog itself. At the end of the day, then, you’ll see that it’s the pet blog you’ve always been waiting for.
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Understandably, you might think and believe that to train your dogs will require a lot of effort, money, and other forms of investment from you. And you are right. However, there are also a lot of benefits to having a trained and socialized dog. To give you more reason to do so, read the Inquisitive Canine blog. It’s really a dog blog with a lot of heart and mind put into it.
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The word ‘intrepid’ essentially means brave, or the quality of being fearless in the face of things and realities which you don’t yet know. That is the central point of this blog, focusing on the intrepid adventures and lifestyle of Tavish the dog. While you’re reading about Tavish, however, it’s good to be able to see how intrepid you and your own dog are, so you can also go to your own adventures.
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In a very sincere show of support for dogs and the good that they can provide for you and your well-being, the It’s Dog or Nothing blog helps to keep you abreast of everything that concerns dogs. The promise of the blog is to help you in such a way that you get to figure out more creative ways on how to live a fuller life with your furry (or not) animal companion. Be sure to follow the tips, and you’re on your way.
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Unarguably one of the most attractive and beautiful blogs, the first thing that you will notice with Julie Zickfoose’s blog is the fact that its layout shows a creativity that is well above the others. Apart from that, however, the articles are written with so much heart and sincerity,enough to convince you that blog author is right – most of the best things in life do come free, and it’s simply up to you to hold them in your hands.
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Kol’s Notes is the perfect blog for anyone who has a strong and firm resolve to always do better and to never stop improving, especially when it comes to dog parenting. Of course, it entails a lot of effort and paying attention, but Kol’s Notes knows that it will really be worth it in the end. And yes, in the language that you and your dog will understand, your dog will be thanking you, every step of the way.
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One great thing about Life With Beagle is that it is a pet blog that refuses to simply be cute and cuddly. As a pet blog, it is very clear about where it stands, and the articles articulate very well the issues that need to be dealt with seriously (such as obesity in dogs, for instance, which is a health problem, and is not, in fact, cute). Life With Beagle is not just informative, it also takes pet love to a higher level, one that helps in correct decision-making.
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With a tagline that says, “A world leader in dog news and entertainment,” it’s not very difficult to see why your attention would be grabbed by the Life with Dogs blog. Complete with the latest updates in doggie world, Life with Dogs is a lot like your favorite door, leading to a haven that’s filled only with dogs and everything about them. (Plus, they got great videos, too.)
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While the big, cuddly dogs and the little, cute dogs are all dogs, it might be of interest for you to know that they require different forms of care and training. If you are into the little dogs and you’d like to know more about how to take care of them properly, be sure to read the Little Dog Tips blog.
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Animals Unfolded, written by Lorrie Shaw, first greets you with a rewarding blend of green and blue. The blog appearance is so relaxing to they eyes, so much so that you just can’t help yourself from reading the articles. The articles themselves reward you some more by being both straight to the point and heartwarming, dealing with serious matters such as pet sitting, dog training, and how to do hospice care for your pets.
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The tips and insights you find on the Meg Heath dog blog are both priceless and important, so whenever you read this blog, it’s a great idea to be keeping mental notes reserved for your next walk with your dog. By and by, you’ll slowly notice that you’re becoming a better dog parent, by applying what you’ve learned from Meg Heath.
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While the blog title says ‘dog blog’, the Montreal dog blog is far from being limited to dogs and their concerns. The Montreal Dog Blog is actually made up of an entire community of bloggers and their respective blogs about animals and pets. Some are veterinarians, some are rescue volunteers, but nevertheless, all are full of love and care.
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Here is a heartfelt blog about taking care of dogs, especially Newfies, or the breed Newfoundland. These dogs are typically quite big and huggable at first sight, and this is made incredibly felt in the way each article on My Brown Newfies is written. The blog itself is guaranteed to melt your heart each time.
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My Dog Likes contains a lot of product reviews and dog ownership tips. More important than the technical stuff, though, is the way the blog author relates her journey with her dog, as they both take on a new challenge – that of becoming a team devoted to giving school therapy. There are also some articles that are related to dog training. My Dog Likes is your all-around dog blog.
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Have you imagined a dog blog and how it would appear if it were written by a dog? Well, there is no need to wonder anymore, precisely because that is the vibe being maintained by the blog, My GBGV Life. Claiming to be written by Emma, a French Scent Hound, it’s certainly one the most interesting and helpful blogs around.
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While dogs and cats will certainly rank among the most common species for house companions and pets, they’re clearly not the only ones. Rabbits make good house pets, too. And not only that, they also require a level of commitment and responsibility from their owners. To learn more about rabbits, a helpful resource would be the My House Rabbit blog. It’s not just informative – the articles are beautifully written and great for beginners.
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What is a life like when it is lived with dogs? Some people might say that it’s fun. Some people might say that it’s quite demanding. Whatever the case may be, one thing’s for sure: there will never be a dull moment. Let this blog, My Life with Dogs, serve as a strong witness to just how exciting life becomes, when you live it with dogs.
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Curious to find out whether or not you can feed fruits to your dog? Or maybe you’re preparing for your dog’s latest halloween costume and you’re just dying to get some ideas and costume prompts? Here’s My Pitbull Friend to the rescue. Understanding any dog owner like nothing else can, the blog knows the things you need to know, and gives it to you straight, with a touch of doggie fun.
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Although the blog does seem to give the impression that it’s about dogs being rotten, there are two important things that must be clarified: first, it’s not just about dogs. The author writes about her cats, her chickens, her pigs – all of which are proof that the author is one big animal lover This brings you to the second point: they’re not rotten, at all. They are all deserving of love and affection, like only the human can give.
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No Dog About It has this for a tagline: “Its all about dogs!” And yes, as you read the blog, going from one article to the next, that’s exactly what you’ll find. No, you won’t find such trivial information about dogs. Instead, you’ll be reading in-depth discussions as well as poignant ‘wordless Wednesdays’ posts with only touching pictures of the adorable dogs.
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Sometimes, the problem with dog trainers is that they can often get caught up in the methodology of it all, losing sight of the fact that these dogs, first of all, need to be loved. The wonderful thing about Dr. Patricia McConnell’s blog, however, is that the good doctor understands the need to mix science with soul, as her blog tagline goes, making it a great resource for dog training.
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One thing that makes it a struggle for dog owners to take their dogs with them is the apparent lack of information as to where the dog friendly places are. Well, here’s Paws Across Britain to come to your rescue. Containing valuable information about which places in Britain are friendly to and embracing of dogs, this is truly the perfect blog for you in your desire to take your dog to new places around the country.
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The Pet Blog Lady blog is one that reminds you of the most important and essential thing that you must do with your pet, whether it’s a dog, a cat, a cow, or whatever species it might belong to – you should celebrate it. Celebrating entails that you take your responsibilities for it seriously, but you must not forget to have a lot of fun, too. Check The Pet Blog Lady blog for more helpful tips.
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Some blogs seem to have mastered the art of the niche. Take the Pets Forever blog, for example. The appeal of Pets Forever is in its simplicity – each post is captured by a photograph of the blogger’s dog, and with a very appropriate caption that captures the essence of the picture. Without a doubt, this is one good read you might for future days that aren’t so good.
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Preston Speaks is a blog that’s adorable because it speaks from the voice of Preston himself, a beautiful Westie. Of course, the articles are all texts that give you details about Preston and his exciting life with his parents, but they don’t fail to make your heart melt, either. All in all, a great read.
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Princess Pricklepants? Is she a dog? Is she a cat? Is she a bunny? Well, none of the above. Princess Pricklepants is actually an honest to goodness hedgehog, and in all her glorious royal formality, she still never fails to live a very fun and colorful life. If you want to read more about it, go ahead and check out The Pleasantries of Princess Pricklepants.
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How early should you begin training your dog? And what about the issue of socialization? How early should you introduce your dog to other dogs, animals, and people? Well, based on this blog, Puppy in Training, you may start as soon as you take your new puppy home. Contrary to your anticipation of stress in all this, this will actually be a new journey that you can really look forward to, without a doubt.
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Nope, taking care of puppies and dogs is not something that you can simply shrug off as pretty insignificant. It takes a lot of effort on your part in making sure that you get everything right, from the diet right down to the potty training. Before you get too intimidated, though, let the Puppy Leaks blog help you to fulfill every task correctly.
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If there’s one thing that will make anyone read a pet blog and keep reading it, it’s the question of whether that blog has a lot of heart in it or not. Having a lot of heart when it comes to pet blogs means that this blog shows any reader that to take care of a pet takes not just a mind that can handle the facts, but a heart that cares, first of all. That wonderful mix of mind and heart is precisely what you’ll be getting from Rubicon Days, a real treat for a blog.
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Ever hear of the blog about a dog owner and the dog going for a sail, full-time? In case you haven’t, here it is. Something Wagging is that heartwarming blog that relates to you, in full detail, the stories behind the author’s experiences of sailing with her dog. Who knows, one of these days, you might go sailing with your own dog, too, so the tips from Something Wagging will certainly come in handy.
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More than anything, pet training does need to be humane and positive. There might be some who will not agree, emphasizing only the negative aspect of training. For the So Much Petential blog, however, this clearly needs to be corrected. Pets learn from positive and loving training, the kind that they will remember with fondness, and not pain.
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At first sight, Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny might appear to simply be a photo collection for Speedy the Bunny. However, it is more than that. Here is a blog that lends you a window through which you can view and appreciate the beautiful life lived with Speedy, who’s not just cheeky, but also quite adorable.
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Want to read a blog about animals, but you feel that you’re too tired to read about dogs and cats? Well, look no further. The Squidgypigs blog is one of the best resources for articles about guinea pigs. Of course, guinea pigs are just as cute as dogs and cats, and they, too deserve a blog of their own. Squidypigs helps to prove just that.
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Golden Woofs is a blog maintained by an owner of golden retrievers. While it’s fun and rewarding enough in itself to read about these golden treasures, the blog takes it up a notch higher by including all other doggie concerns. Truly, Golden Woofs is one good read for those who intend to be better and more loving dog parents.
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Here is a dog blog with a lot of history under its belt. Beginning in as early as 2007, Talking Dogs is really one that takes dogs and all their concerns seriously, enough to write about them with unmatched passion and sensitivity. If you are sincere about learning how to treat your best friend better, read this blog and take each article to heart.
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Having problems with your dog being too reactive? Or perhaps training in the past few weeks hasn’t been too rewarding and you’re already getting frustrated? Before you give up and throw in the towel on your dog, check out Tenacious Little Terrier first. Here is a blog that teaches you to hang on during the bad times in training and raising your dog; with a lot of patience and love, the results will be worth it.
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What sort of blog would you expect from an author who has a degree in biology and passionate about wildlife, marine environment, and conservation? The answer lies in the Terra Toby. Not discriminating by focusing only on land animals or sea animals, Terra Toby is a blog that’s comfortable on both fronts, and does a pretty good job at conveying how life is wonderful with animals, whether at sea or on land.
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People who have just had their hearts broken sometimes look to radio disc jockeys or psychologists for their much needed advice. What about for pet advice? Where do you go? If visiting your vet can be too expensive at the moment, check out That Pet Blog. Generous with pet advice, it’s really the blog that may very well provide the answers you need right now.
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More than your perceived need to give your dog what he or she wants, you also need to acquaint yourself with the fact that as a dog parent, you need to prioritize, well, what your dog needs. This means, particularly in the area of diet, that the food you feed your dog is nutritious, first and foremost. To help you along these lines is this blog, The Canine Chef Cookbook. It gives you a lot of recipes and tips which will help you in feeding your dog better.
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In a world full of people who are just dying to share what they know and tell you what is bad and what is good for your dogs, it might be too much of a hassle to have to try and determine whose voice to listen to. Good thing, though, there’s The Chestnut Mutts to the rescue. Complete with product reviews for all your dog products, this is the resource you’ve been looking for.
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Without a shred of doubt, corgis are among the world’s cutest breeds of dogs. Smart and adorable at the same time, corgis represent that rare species which captures the phrase ‘perfect combination’. If reading about corgis and seeing them regularly on your computer screen is your idea of a great day, then be sure to read The Daily Corgi. The name itself suffices.
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Quite a number of people would be more than glad to give you grand answers to the question: “How can you change the world?” As for The Daily Pip, the answer comes in a simple but poignant way: adopt and rescue an animal from shelters and other possible sources. By doing so, you’re giving these animals a second chance at life and love. In turn, as The Daily Pip tells you, you’ll also be making the world brighter than it was before, not just for them, but for you, as well.
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These days, with all the information that has already become easily available and accessible to everyone, it’s difficult to find a resource you can trust. This is true also for your dog concerns. But you don’t have to worry, because The Dog Blog is exactly what you need. Focusing on tips for training, this blog will really get you on that road to becoming the best dog parent and trainer you can be.
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In case you’re encountering problems related to training your dog, rest in this assurance: you are not alone. Go ahead and read The Dog Training Secret blog. This blog contains countless articles that all intend to help make your dog training journey more fruitful and rewarding, not just for you, but also and more importantly, for your dog.
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Different animals require different forms, styles, and methods of care and love. If this is new knowledge for you, you will need all the help you can get. Good news comes in the form of the Thee Inside Poop blog, which is basically all the insider information you will need for matters that directly or indirectly relate to your best friend, whatever species it may belong to.
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Contrary to what most people would like to believe, being a dog mom is not at all a purely glamorous show. Being a dog mom takes a lot of serious strength and character, a fact which is made even clearer by The Everyday Dog Mom blog. If you’re looking for tips on how to do dog mom-ing better, then this blog is surely for you.
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Yet another blog about dogs? While that could be a legitimate complaint, The Philly Dog is certainly not like every other dog blog. Capturing the everyday life of the average dog owner, the appeal of The Philly Dog comes with the fact that the plot twist in that everyday life precisely is the presence of a dog in your life. Dealing with food down to how to celebrate the 4th of July with your dog, it’s really the blog for the everyday man and woman, with a dog.
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One of the things that readers and website visitors look for in the blogs they are to like is the question of how well the blog mixes lightheartedness with seriousness and sincerity. Fortunately for all you dog lovers, that is something that The Poodle (and Dog) manages to accomplish quite well. Read it for the latest news about all things dog-related as well as some tips for how to live a better life with your paw-some friend.
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Some people like to assume that rabbits are cared for the same way dogs and cats are cared for. To a certain extent, because they’re all living animals, this may be correct. But it is also deeply wrong. Rabbits require a kind of care that’s appropriate for them as rabbits. If you want to learn more, read The Rabbit House blog, one of the most helpful blogs about raising and loving rabbits.
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The principle behind The Teacher’s Pets blog began quite simply. Here was a woman who was offering pet sitting services. Deeper into the job, however, she found that she was making a lot of impact and having more fun than she expected, that she realized she just had to write about this newfound love. If you want to share in that love, read The Teacher’s Pets blog.
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In training dogs, there are three aspects which may be considered as the summary of the most important aspects of training. These aspects are manners, behaviors, and relationships. Needless to say, to teach all three will require a lot of effort and research on your part. To help you on the research part, though, read the Three Dogs Training blog. With all the input here, it’s really a great resource for dog training.
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If you’re curious about taking care of tortoise but you don’t have a clue as to where you can get good and reliable information, here’s the answer to your problems. In its tagline, Totally Tortoise promises to give the facts, the fiction, and the fun about these cute little creatures. As you read, you will slowly realize that the decision to take care of tortoise is really a good one.
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Bulldogs often suffer the fate of being wrongly judged or accused of being too fierce and unloving. Good thing there are blogs that serve to put and end to these misjudgments, blogs like Two French Bulldogs. Showing you just how much fun taking care of them can be, Two French Bulldogs will not just change your impression of them, but will also probably give you enough reason to want to own one, too.
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Love, health, and the purr-suit of happiness. Such are the words of the tagline of the Wag ‘n Woof blog, and these words do capture what the blog is about. Contrary to the belief that only people desire happiness, pets want to be happy, too. And, if you want to be the owner who helps them to achieve this, be sure to read each article from the Wag ‘n Woof Pets blog.
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Have you ever seen a Retriever move and work its magic? If you haven’t yet, be a dear and read this blog. Not only will you be rewarded with photos of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers doing all the smart things you thought dogs couldn’t do, but you will also be rewarded with a blog that’s fantastically written. It’s fantastic precisely because it’s so personal; when you get to the part where the author talks about sentimental matters, be sure to have a handkerchief ready.
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“It’s a dog’s life, so a dog should tell it!” This seems to be the motto of the blog, Be That Dog. Of course, some people might dismiss it as pure imagination, but it’s no secret that dogs actually communicate their thoughts and feelings. Upon reading this blog, then, it will feel like you are entering the mind and heart of a dog, a journey that’s always worth the risk, and always worth taking.
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What would it be like to live with a dog in Singapore? The answer to that question is right here on this blog, We Live in A Flat. Relating the stories of living with dogs in a busting country like Singapore, the blog itself is pretty exciting and totally engaging. The invitation of course, is for you to see it for yourself and adopt a dog of your own.
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Can you really trust your dog enough that you can share your tasks and responsibilities with it? The short answer to that would be, yes. One look at the Wyatt Gardens blog, and you’ll see that this is true. The author shares with you the experience of gardening, among many other seemingly human everyday tasks with Wyatt, and by this you also learn how to involve your dog in your tasks, with the best results.
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Not only are dachshunds smart, but they are also very cute and adorable. This makes them a great partner in things such as hiking and other adventures. To see just how far you can take being adventurous with your dachshund, check out the blog, You Did What With Your Weiner?. (For those who don’t know, weiner is common nickname for dachshunds.)
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Of all the documents that humans can possibly write about themselves and their lives, nothing can perhaps be more interesting than a diary. In a diary are daily accounts of what happened, daily stories worth remembering. Now, imagine if you had a diary for a dog. That’s precisely the concept behind Bella’s Dog Diary, which is an up close and personal account of a dog lover with all things that concern dogs. All in all, this is a must read for all who consider dogs’ lives as precious.
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Are you a new dog owner? Are there some concerns which you feel really need to be addressed, but you don’t exactly know where to go and whom to talk to? Fret not, Tale in the Tail is here to the rescue. Dealing with dog-related tips such as dog product reviews and health issues, Tale in the Tail is not just a blog with a fancy pun for a title. It’s more importantly a blog that knows just what you need to know, and gives it to you.
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Taking care of animals, especially dogs, will require a lot of patience from you. If you’ve got a lot of patience, then that’s one step forward in being a great dog parent. However, patience is not enough. You also need to access and purchase excellent dog care materials to boost the level of care that you’re capable of giving. That’s where Pet Hov comes in. This is a blog that will gladly provide you with an extensive source for your dog care materials and supplies.