They say music is the language of the soul. Where words may and are bound to fail, music comes in and gets the right message across. This is something that cannot be explained; instead, it can only be observed. Truly, there is something in music that makes it so universal, its expression so freely accessible to everyone that it has basically becomes a language that everyone speaks.
One of the more popular ways to show music as an expression is through playing the guitar. This is why it is hardly surprising that guitar lessons and tutorials are pretty common these days, especially with the rise of countless social media platforms through which guitarists can freely share their expertise and experience. If you feel that you’re one of those people who should be learning a little music and a little guitar, then it might be good to read these Top Guitar Blogs.
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Often, learning about the guitar best takes place in an atmosphere that is both friendly and passionate at the same time. That’s the kind of environment you are bound to get from the Premier Guitar Blog. The blog features a healthy variation in terms of content – from reviews of particular guitars to tips on how to evaluate the perfect amplifier for you, down to the latest news for events related to guitars and music. With such a wide range of topics covered, it’s almost impossible to maintain a reason for you to not pick up your guitar and learn.
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Apart from being a great brand for guitar related products, Ernie Ball also maintains a highly informative and helpful blog, and it’s called the Music Man blog. This blog is especially useful for those who want to keep themselves updated on the upcoming events of those artists who are also Ernie Ball Music Man representatives. What makes it even more helpful is that you don’t even have to look at other blogs for guitar tutorials – they’re all there on the Music Man blog, too. With that, it’s easy to see why it’s a one-stop shop for guitarists – beginner or expert, it’s doesn’t matter.
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As against the more classical and traditional souls, jazz emerges as some sort of rebellion. By introducing the structure of structurelessness, jazz has managed to create an almost entirely different world in music. If you find that your guitar playing has lost all of its life and creativity, then maybe getting into jazz is the solution to that problem of yours. You can easily get started by learning from the best, especially from the Jazz Guitar blog. With only the best jazz guitarists helping out and pooling in their insights, you can be sure that by getting help from this blog, you’re really getting help from no less than the best in the industry.
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Let’s face it – blogs these days come a dime a dozen. Name any topic, there’s most likely a blog for that. Because of this, one of the biggest needs of any blog is to achieve a sense of originality and positionality. This is something that has been achieved by the Tab and Chord blog. By focusing on the tabs and chords of Hindi songs, Tab and Chord manages to rightly establish its niche in the industry. As a result, the helpfulness of the blog is also something that is unique and much sought-after. If you’re looking for the chord guide of that song you like so much from the Bollywood film, look no further – it’s probably on Tab and Chord.
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Willis Music is a company that has long maintained its tradition and standard of excellence in the area of music, particularly in guitars. As its tagline goes: passion is not just on paper. Passion for Willis Music is what you do and how you live it out in your playing. If you’d like to know more and experience more of this passion for music (and maybe to have some of it for yourself), then read up on the Willis Music Blog. The articles are of varied content – tips for guitar lessons, suggestions for instruments for beginning players, and many more – but the goal is the same, and that is to cultivate the passion for music in everyone.
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As you read through the Lichty Guitars blog, you’ll be surprised to discover countless gems from it. Sometimes, you’ll be glad to read a lot of product reviews that contain so many helpful details, including what wood best goes with your need as a guitar player and how to choose strings for yourself. You’ll also find exciting news about upcoming music events, which, of course, you cannot and must not afford to miss. Truly, it’s great to know that in the midst of information being passed around from one source to another, there are great reliable sources such as Lichty Guitars.
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One of the most the important aspects of being a musician, especially a guitarist at that, is to make sure that you always make the most out of whatever equipment you might have. Some musicians get too impulsive and spend on expensive equipment without even learning how to become better using the available equipment. Well, this technique of maximization of resources is one thing you’ll learn from Learning Guitar Now. As a blog, it’s full of very useful input from the author who’s also a highly experienced and skilled guitarist. Not only will you learn how to play, but you’ll also get to appreciate the beauty of whatever guitar and equipment you now have.
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Harp guitars have been around for over two centuries, and it’s important that people always acknowledge and appreciate their existence. Harp guitars have a very distinct and pleasant sound that always brings peace to the heart of anyone. Maintaining the popularity and continuing the legacy of harp guitars is precisely the purpose of the Harp Guitars blog. With articles that zero in on the history of harp guitars, as well as input on how to build good harp guitars, the blog definitely serves its purpose very well. If you ever find yourself with a seemingly incurable itch to want to learn the harp guitar, let this blog be the first place you go to.
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Relax and learn guitar. Undoubtedly, any blog that goes by this name or title will surely give you the idea that the blog itself will be full of convincing reasons as to why you should even think of relaxing and learning to play the guitar. True enough, that’s exactly what this goal strives to achieve. With articles written in a very personal, hence powerful, voice and tone, it’s difficult to not get moved just by reading the blog. If you’re someone who still hasn’t decided on which new skill to learn, let this blog lead you to the joy of playing the guitar.
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With all the music products that are now out on the market, it is all too easy to get overwhelmed and at worst, confused, as to which one you are to buy. Some products will boldly make all the same promises, but if you aren’t too lucky, quite a number of these promises go undelivered. To avoid such problems, visit the Acoustic Bridge blog. This blog contains a lot of substantive product reviews for guitarists. There, you’ll discover the strengths and weaknesses of some of the most popular guitars, and, upon knowing this information, you’ll also be more knowledgeable in terms of choosing which one is your perfect match.
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Even with the emergence and rise in popularity of jazz and fusion music, there will still be those souls who find their home in the classical and in the traditional. These musicians will therefore need resources that will match their preferences. Good thing is, KS Classical Guitar Blog is here to the rescue. Featuring classical pieces for guitar and tips for playing them, KS Classical Guitar Blog is your go-to destination when it comes to fulfilling your need for purity and preservation. With this, you’ll eventually see that what you call classic does not mean old; it only means that thing is beyond time and may even outlive you, like music.
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As a guitarist, you know very well how it feels when you are surrounded by people who don’t get your love for the instrument. Somewhere along the way, a question which you think is silly and preposterous makes its way through your conversation (“but why the guitar? Why not the piano? The piano is obviously more important”), and you will feel the urge to turn around and leave. Here’s the good news: there is someone who understands. Read theGUITARaddict blog, and there you’ll see what it means to know a guitarist who understands. The blog is full of ideas about guitars, amplifiers, and many other guitar-related talk. No more silly questions asked on that blog, rest assured.
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The appeal of this blog begins in its very organized yet attractive appearance. The articles are neatly arranged in a clickable boxes, in a way that’s very user- and reader-friendly. The appeal doesn’t stop there, either. The topics of Guitar Trance cover a whole range of problems encountered by guitarists all over the world. From strumming techniques, to tuner recommendations, down to tips on how to do your restringing all by yourself – all the articles are excellent reads for any guitarist, whether you’re just a beginner or you’re already a name in the guitar-playing industry.
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“How many guitars does a person need? Just one more!” So goes the tagline of Guitar Vibe. Given this line, it’s easy to see the same passion just being reflected in every single article found in the Guitar Vibe blog. The articles discuss topics such as some historical figures in guitar playing, as well as some valuable tips on how you can improve in your skill of playing, too. By reading the blog, you won’t just be convinced to buy ‘one more’ guitar; you’ll also be inspired to become better at playing, because reading the blog enables you to catch that guitar vibe.
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Most people think that learning a new skill is one way to improve themselves as persons. Well, as a matter of fact, they are right. And so, if you’re thinking of which new skill to learn, you might want to zero in on learning to play the guitar. Once you’ve decided to do this, check out Primeau Guitar Studio Blog. Intended precisely for those who are serious about learning to play the guitar, Primeau Guitar Studio is not for the faint of heart nor for the unsure. It’s for those musicians who are decisive enough to really commit, because the tutorials found in Primeau are directed to those who really desire to be among the best at what they do.
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One thing that any reader will look for in a blog is its comprehensiveness. If it’s a guitar blog, for instance, you’ll surely be looking for a blog that covers as many topics related to guitar as possible. Here’s some good news for you: the Infinite Guitar blog. Infinite Guitar tackles a whole range of issues that are wide enough to be considered ‘infinite’; hence the blog name. From ‘serious’ guitar topics like choosing the best guitar for the kind of player that you are to the more ‘quirky’ topics like tips on how to hide your guitar-buying habits from your girlfriend or wife, Infinite Guitar is truly a guitarist’s best friend, for an infinite number of reasons.
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Here is a blog whose title absolutely matches its niche. I Heart Guitar, as a blog, really lets the author’s heart for guitar-playing shine through. You see it in every single article on the blog. With the unrelenting attention to detail and the generous tips that are made available to the readers, I Heart Guitar is, without a doubt, one of those blogs with a huge heart for its readers and followers. Coupled with an eye-friendly appearance of whites and blacks and a few attractive pictures, it’s not difficult to see why it’s among the favorite blogs of guitarists all over the world.
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Are you a guitarist? If you are, and you are setting yourself up for an upcoming performance, but you seem to be at a loss as to what you’re supposed to do, worry not. All you have to do is to look up the Share My Guitar blog. In that blog, you will be able to read a lot of articles that will surely help you, not only to ensure that you’ll be giving the performance of your life, but more importantly, to ensure that you will always strive for improvement as a guitarist. With articles that also deal with the greatest guitar heroes like The Beatles’ John Lennon, it’s almost impossible for you not to be inspired.
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Guitarists all over the world understand and share the need for custom-made guitars. You see, if you buy commercially made guitars, they’re usually made of some general principle that will not necessarily apply to you. As a result, you sometimes end up buying one guitar after another, looking for the perfect fit. With Dream Guitars, however, you will get to read articles that show you why getting a custom-made guitar is still the choice that you need to make, if a more personal experience with music-making is what you’re looking for. You also get to compare guitars in terms of wood choice, string choice, and many other factors.
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Adam Rafferty is one talented guitar player, specializing in what is now called the ‘Fingerstyle’ technique of playing guitar. (Think of the film August Rush, and how the main character made his guitar ‘sing’ instead of the usual way of playing it.) More than showing his talent, however, Rafferty shows just how generous he is by writing the articles on his blog. With topics that range from playing the blues to recovering your capacity to be creative, Rafferty is truly one gifted person, whose blog is just as much as a gift to his fellow guitarists.
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To most people, playing the guitar can just mean something as little or as minor as a hobby. As a hobby, it’s just something you can do on the side; that is, if you’re not doing anything else. For some others, however, playing the guitar and doing it well means more than just a hobby – it’s actually a lifestyle. To help you in achieving such a life, check out Guitar Lifestyle blog. There, you’ll read a lot of priceless ideas for your musically-inclined life, from pieces that you can learn to some ways you can modify your equipment to match your needs.
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For people who are passionate about music, it really matters that what you know are not just music rudiments. To a large extent, it also matters that you know your instrument and you know how to maximize it to its full use and potential. If you feel that you need some assistance in this aspect (especially if you’re a guitar or ukulele player), then let the Know Your Instrument Blog lead the way in helping you. The blog covers the historical background of your instrument, the many ways by which you can play it, as well as some product reviews. As a welcome bonus, the blog also has an excellent, user-friendly design.
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Guitar Nerds is a blog that is basically dedicated to helping you expand your knowledge and understanding of guitars, in ways that rival those of rigorous study and research. Because it’s written by Guitar Nerds, then you can expect extensive and detailed reviews of the newest guitars and guitar accessories, plus the most updated news in terms of music-related events. The Guitar Nerds also present their own analyses of certain artists, helping you understand the styles and signatures of various guitar-driven musicians such as John Mayer and Eric Clapton.
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Expertly written by guitar builder Jol Dantzig, Jol Dantzig’s Guitar Diaries is as complete and as comprehensive as you can hope for any guitar blog to be. The blog features some very helpful reviews of and insights on books, films, and music. Moreover, Dantzig also includes valuable input for the art and science of guitar building, so that you can gain some perspective into it, too. Because the articles are all written from the first-person point of view, it’s easier to digest them as well as to see how music is not just a pastime – it is actually a way of life.
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A lot like so many things in life, being a guitar player and owner often comes with a set of serious responsibilities. Sometimes, however, these responsibilities can grow too many in number that they can discourage any guitarist to persist and persevere in the craft. To help you in avoiding such a possibility of burnout, you can check out Guitar Answer Guy. This blog offers you a lot of tips when it comes to guitar care and maintenance. Plus, the author speaks from personal experience which makes the blog a very good read. The author is also accessible through the popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.